Sunday, September 14, 2008

9/14 – Whiny old man, my dad, and the edge of the world

Most of this series of dreams were forgotten, but the early portion involved my dad complaining about how unhappy he is with his life. He said he’s leaving me and my mom and moving to China. I was thinking, “Is this supposed to distress me in some way… because I’m 23 yrs old.” I told him “Stop being a little girl you’re just depressed cause you don’t have any friends.” And with that he left. I then think that he just bluffing so I look up my hacker friends on the internet and ask them to track down and triangulate my dad’s cell phone. After doing that, I realize I don’t have any hacker friends on the internet, so I have no idea who I just contacted.

The later portion involved me having to bring a message to god that Satan’s army is coming for heaven. They’ve already destroyed the Greek polytheist version of heaven and now they’re coming for the Christian version of heaven. There was another guy with me who’s supposed to be guide or something, and the way we’d reach heaven is by going to the edge of the world and riding the giant geysers to heaven’s entrance which is a hatch door in the sky. We get to the edge of the world by swimming there because up until the edge of the world is just a tropic beach like in The Truman Show. At the edge, there are wooden fences painted red and beyond the fences are swirly waves of landscape made of red wooden planks. My guide and I are trying to figure out how to ride the geysers up to heaven because we could just get on top of them, they would rip our bodies to shreds. I had the idea of building a chair of some sort and using that to ride the geysers, but before we could do it I wake up.

- The edge of the world


junebugdreams said...

that was a nice dream.
a very nice dream

mrmekon said...

you know who has better dreams than you? obama.

they're dreams of /change/.

mrmekon said...



also: hope.
